K-REACH determines if chemical substances are subject to registration, notification and/or exemption processes, based on their status of existing or new substance and on their yearly manufacture/importation quantity. In case of existing chemical substances, individuals who wish to domestically manufacture or import said substance in excess of 1 ton annually must register before manufacturing/importing begins, or go through a pre-registration process and then register the substance within a given grace period. Under ISHA, when manufacturing/importing new chemical substances in excess of 100kg annually, the manufacturer/importer must submit a hazard/risk report and receive its review results beforehand. Such obligations do not apply for existing chemical substances.
LEARN MOREThe “Chemical Product Safety Act” is composed of two parts, management of consumer chemical products, and management of biocides(substances + products + treated products). Consumer chemical products must have their compliance with safety standards according to type be confirmed by designated testing/inspection facilities, and must have their safety certification number printed on the product. Biocides and biocidal products must receive approval from the government before being released to the market.
LEARN MOREChemical substances have two sides as both the basic raw material for all economic activities, and as the cause for pollution of the environment. In other words, chemicals utilized as medicine, advanced materials, pesticides, etc. serve to make life convenient, but they also cause serious environmental damage through their persistence and toxicity. Therefore, in order to carry out preventive chemical substance management for the purpose of minimizing effects on health/the environment in the process of chemical use, laws regarding their regulation and certification were enacted and are being enforced in each country. Safe Chemicals provides chemicals and biocides registration services and services in relation to Public certification of industrial chemical Substances in EU, USA, Japan, China and Taiwan.
LEARN MOREWe at Safe Chemicals Co., Ltd. have strategic partnerships with renowned chemical consultancy firms, EHS consultants, and law firms specializing in the chemical business worldwide, forming a global network with them, and thus we are able to provide the most cost-effective and efficient services requested from our clients.
CEO Message
Since Safe Chemicals Co., Ltd., a private consultancy company
specialized in chemicals, opened business in 2002 in Seoul,
we have been continuously studying, flexibly and actively
responding to the ever-changing environment of the market,
and expanding our service to new areas to provide diverse and
high-quality services to our clients.
Safe Chemicals has launched our new homepage.Safe Chemicals has launched our new homepage on May 14th, 2021. Dr. Ok-Sun Jung, the CEO of Safe Chemicals, celebrated the launch with the colleagues, and shared her visions about the future direction of the company.
May 20, 2021
Safe Chemicals is recruiting new and experienced employees.Safe Chemicals is recruiting new and experienced employees for strategic diversification and growth of business in the future. New employees will be attached to a professional business unit. We are currently receiving resumes, so if you are interested in applying, please send your resume and self-introduction to (2021.04.19.)
Apr 30, 2021
Dr. Ok-sun Jung has resumed the position of CEO of Safe Chemicals.Due to the resignation of our former CEO, Mr Jung-pyo Lee, Safe Chemicals’s founder Dr. Ok-sun Jung, who has served as CEO for 17 years since the company’s establishment, has resumed the position of CEO to lead the company. Safe Chemicals has pursued strategic mergers and acquisitions, as well as reconfiguring its organization and recruiting experienced employees, to improve the company’s capabilities and work efficiency, and prepare and execute future business strategies.Safe Chemicals promises to successfully provide various services in the future to our valuable clients, both domestic and foreign, based on our accumulated experience and knowledge, which are well-recognized in the industry. (2021.04.01.)
Apr 28, 2021
[MOE Public Notice No. 2025-124] Leniency Program under K-REACHWe would like to inform you that the Ministry of Environment, in consultation with the Ministry of Justice, is implementing a Leniency Program for companies that have violated the legal obligations under the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances” (hereinafter referred to as “K-REACH”).• Persons who are subject to notification: Persons who had manufactured or imported chemical substances without fulfilling the registration, registration change, or pre-registration obligations pursuant to K-REACH prior to February 27, 2025. • Period for the voluntary notification: February 28, 2025 ~ October 27, 2025 (8 months) • Benefits of the Leniency Program: Punishment (imprisonment, fines, punitive fines, etc.) in violations of K-REACH are waived. (For cases currently under prosecution or investigation, extenuation will be given if the voluntary notification were submitted.) • After the end of the period of the Leniency Program, intensive crackdowns on K-REACH violations are planned.[Attachment(EN/JP)] Public Notice for Leniency Program in relation to Violations of the K-REACH [Source] MOE refer to the attached document for further details and contact us via Q&A or E-mail ( if you have any inquiry on this matter. Thank you.
Feb 28, 2025
[CHEMNAVI] Notice on Results of Pre-registrations (Registration Changes) of Existing Chemical SubstancesIn accordance with Article 42 (Disclosure of Information on Chemical Substance) of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances, and Article 51 (Disclosure of Information on Chemical Substance) Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Rules for the same Act, the results of notifications for existing chemical substances are disclosed as attached.The disclosed content is the result of notifications for each substance submitted by companies, and we hope that you will make the best use of it in the organizing and operation of joint registration CICOs.※ We inform you that we plan to periodically update and disclose the results of pre-registrations (registration changes) in the future.
Jan 15, 2025
[NCIS] Guidance on the Receiving of Notifications, and Notices in accordance with the Amendment of K-REACH○ In accordance with the amendment to Article 10 (Registration of Chemical Substances) of the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances” (hereinafter referred to as “K-REACH”), we hereby inform you that the manufacture/import quantity of new chemical substances that serve as the basis for registration and notification will be adjusted from 100 kilograms annually to 1 ton annually, from Jan. 1, 2025. ※ Manufacturing/importing 1 ton or more of new chemical substances annually: Registration Manufacturing/importing less than 1 ton of new chemical substances annually: Notification○ In addition, in accordance with the amendment of Article 31 (Delegation of Authority and Entrustment of Affairs) of the Enforcement Decree of K-REACH, the delegated (entrusted) agency for the receiving of notifications and notification changes for new chemical substances and any relevant notices will be changed from the National Institute of Chemical Safety to the Korea Environment Corporation from Jan. 1, 2025.○ Despite the change to the delegated (entrusted) agency, in accordance with Article 2 of the Addenda of the Enforcement Decree for K-REACH (Transitional Measures for New Chemical Substance Notifications Received by the National Institute of Chemical Safety), notifications for new chemical substances under 100 kg received before Jan. 1, 2025 will be processed by the National Institute of Chemical Safety.○ Notification applications submitted at the end of December may be rejected if they do not meet the application requirements. (Example) Most common reasons for rejection: - Discrepancy between the contents of the SME confirmation certificate and the amount of the revenue stamp - Discrepancy in confirmation of substance uses under K-REACH - For cases which have applied for data protection, whether the substance qualifies for data protection, or issues on which information is revealed/concealed in the attached files○ As there have been many notification applications received since December, we inform you in advance that the applications may not be processed within the year.
Dec 19, 2024
Monthly Reports
impact assessment
Economic Impact
Environmental Impact
Product Related Impact