 [Chemical Product Management System Announcement - Substances which have completed international approval assessment]

  • 운영자
  • May 30, 2021
  • Hit 2,825
Data submissions or exemption categories for certain substances(20 substances) among biocidal substances that have internationally completed assessments are disclosed as in the attached file.
  • Product types subject to disclosure: Insecticides, repellents
  • ID numbers(CAS No.) of substances subject to disclosure
- 1st list (2021.5.28., 20 substances): 108-62-3, 10453-86-8, 22781-23-3, 29232-93-7, 35367-38-5, 52304-36-6, 52315-07-8, 52645-53-1, 52918-63-5, 65733-16-6, 67375-30-8, 68359-37-5, 72963-72-5, 80844-07-1, 82657-04-3, 86479-06-3, 91465-08-6, 118712-89-3, 120068-37-3, 122453-73-0
- 2nd list (2021.6.4., 25 substances): 51-03-6, 64-17-5, 64-18-6, 89-83-8, 91-20-3, 97-53-0, 106-46-7, 114-26-1, 119-36-8, 120-51-4, 134-62-3, 2921-88-2, 3383-96-8, 3734-33-6, 7696-12-0, 8000-29-1, 8000-78-0, 8002-09-3, 8003-34-7, 8007-02-1, 39515-40-7, 135410-20-7, 138261-41-3, 165252-70-0, 168316-95-8
- 3rd list (scheduled for following week)
  • Regarding the disclosure of exemption information, said information is being meticulously reviewed for the purpose of expanding the exemption range of hazard test data, and done so that additional data may also be completed as soon as possible. We hope for your understanding on this issue.

☎ Phone numbers for inquiry: 1800-4840 (Connection number: 4), 032-560-8465 (NIER Chemicals Research Division)

Attached: (Attachment 1)List of exempted substances from submitting data among the biocide that have completed international approval(210528)

Source: Chemical Product Management System
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