[NCIS] Guidance on the Receiving of Notifications, and Notices in accordance with the Amendment of K-REACH
○ In accordance with the amendment to Article 10 (Registration of Chemical Substances) of the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances” (hereinafter referred to as “K-REACH”), we hereby inform you that the manufacture/import quantity of new chemical substances that serve as the basis for registration and notification will be adjusted from 100 kilograms annually to 1 ton annually, from Jan. 1, 2025.
※ Manufacturing/importing 1 ton or more of new chemical substances annually: Registration
Manufacturing/importing less than 1 ton of new chemical substances annually: Notification
○ In addition, in accordance with the amendment of Article 31 (Delegation of Authority and Entrustment of Affairs) of the Enforcement Decree of K-REACH, the delegated (entrusted) agency for the receiving of notifications and notification changes for new chemical substances and any relevant notices will be changed from the National Institute of Chemical Safety to the Korea Environment Corporation from Jan. 1, 2025.
○ Despite the change to the delegated (entrusted) agency, in accordance with Article 2 of the Addenda of the Enforcement Decree for K-REACH (Transitional Measures for New Chemical Substance Notifications Received by the National Institute of Chemical Safety), notifications for new chemical substances under 100 kg received before Jan. 1, 2025 will be processed by the National Institute of Chemical Safety.
○ Notification applications submitted at the end of December may be rejected if they do not meet the application requirements.
(Example) Most common reasons for rejection:
- Discrepancy between the contents of the SME confirmation certificate and the amount of the revenue stamp
- Discrepancy in confirmation of substance uses under K-REACH
- For cases which have applied for data protection, whether the substance qualifies for data protection, or issues on which information is revealed/concealed in the attached files
○ As there have been many notification applications received since December, we inform you in advance that the applications may not be processed within the year.