 [NIER No. 2023-264] of Designation for Existing Biocide Eligible for Approval Deferment Admin. Notice (26.MAY.2023)

  • 운영자
  • May 26, 2023
  • Hit 270
[NIER Notice No. 2023-264] Notification of Partial Revision (Draft) of Designation for Existing Biocide Eligible for Approval Deferment Administrative Notice (26.MAY.2023)

National Institute of Environmental Research Notice No. 2023-264 According to Article 46 of the "Administrative Procedure Act," we hereby announce the partial revision of the administrative notice titled "Designation of existing biocide eligible for approval deferment." This announcement aims to inform the public in advance about the purpose and content of the revision and to solicit their opinions.

Director of the National Institute of Environmental Research

Partial Revision (Draft) of Designation for Existing Biocide Eligible for Approval Deferment" Administrative Notice

1. Summary of Amendments
In accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 3 of the amended “Consumer Chemical Products and Biocides Safety Control Act”(enforced on March 24, 2020, the designation of existing biocides that have been reported will be revised to include them as eligible for approval deferment. Additionally, in accordance with Article 19, Paragraph 3 and other relevant provisions, the designation of existing biocides as eligible for approval deferment will be revoked.

Please refer attachment for more details.

Source: National Institue of Environmental Research 
Attached: NIER No. 2023-264 Notification of Partial Revision (Draft) of Designation for Existing Biocide Eligible for Approval Deferment Administrative Notice (26.MAY.2023)
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