[NIER Notice No.2023-29]Partial Amend. of“Designation of Existing Biocide subject to Approval Deferment”(JUN. 14, 2023)

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  • Jun 14, 2023
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[NIER Public Notice No. 2023-29] Partial Amendment of Notice “Designation of Existing Biocide subject to Approval Postponement” (Jun 14, 2023)

NIER Public Notice No. 2023-29
In accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 3 of the “Act on Safety Management of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocides “ and Article 38, Paragraph 1, Item 6-2 of the Enforcement Decree for the same Act, the notice “ Designation of Existing biocide subject to Approval Postponement “ is hereby partially amended and announced as follows.
June 14, 2023
Director of the National Institute of Environmental Research

Partial Amendment of the Notice” Designation of Existing Biocide subject to Approval Postponement “

1. Overview of Amendment
Amendment is made for the additional designation of existing Biocide notified in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 3 of the amended “Act on Safety Management of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocides”(enforced March 24, 2020) as existing Biocide subject to approval postponement, for the cancellation of the designation as existing Biocide subject to approval postponement for certain substances in accordance with Article 19, Paragraph 3 of the Act, etc.

2. Major Points
a. Additional designation of biocidal product types for existing designated substances
- Additional designation of biocidal product types that can be used for “168”, “214”, “237”, and “328” in the [Annex], and granting of approval grace periods

Article 1(Enforcement Date) This Notice shall be enforced from its proclamation date.
Article 2(Repeal of Other Notices) The previous Notice “ Designation of Existing Biocide subject to Approval Postponement “(Ministry of Environment Notice No. 2020-293) shall be repealed.

-For detailed information, please refer6713671 the following link:.
Source: Online Government Gazette 
Attachment: NIER Public Notice No. 2023-29 (Partial Amendment of the Notice Designation of Existing Biocide subject to Approval Postponement )

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