 [NIER Notice No. 2023-300] Admin. Notice for Partial Amend. of “Notice on Toxic Substance Designation”(JUN.20, 2023)

  • 운영자
  • Jun 20, 2023
  • Hit 205
 [NIER Notice No. 2023-300] Administrative Notice of Partial Amendment of “Notice on Toxic Substance Designation.” (JUN. 20, 2023)

  In accordance with the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances”, in announcing the “Notice of Designation and Notification of Toxic Substances”, the following is publicly announced in accordance with Article 46 of the Administrative Procedures Act in order to inform the public of its major points and receive opinions on it.
June 20, 2023
Director of the National Institute of Environmental Research
Administrative Notice for Partial Amendment of “Notice of Designation of Toxic Substances”

1. Reason for Amendment
In accordance with the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances”, substances with high hazard levels among substances that have completed Hazard Review are to be newly designated as toxic substances.

2. Major Points
a.  Amendments to new designations of toxic substances that have undergone hazard evaluation, in accordance with the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances”
- Identification numbers “2023-1-1116” to “2023-1-1118” are newly established
- Amendments to the names of chemical substances with the identification numbers “97-1-24”, “97-1-106”, “97-1-205” and “2005-1-547”
b. Regulations on import declaration and business licenses under the Chemical Substances Control Act, labeling of hazardous chemical substances, and transitional rules for handling standards for newly designated toxic substances (Addendum)

3. Submission of Opinions
Individuals, institutions, and organizations(associations) which have opinions on this public notice may submit a written opinion to the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Research (Risk Assessment Research Department, 032-560-8494(Phone), 032-568-2038(Fax)) by July 10, 2023 with the following: .
a. Opinions on the notice by item(whether it should be revised, and reasons for such)
b. Name (for organizations, the names of the organization and its representative), address and phone number
c. The full text for this partial amendment of “Notice of Designation of Toxic Substances” is available at the homepage for the National Institute of Environmental Research (www.nier.go.kr), at “Legal Information – Administrative Notices”.

Source: Online Government Gazette  LINK
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