 [NIER No.2023-301]Admin. Notice for Partial Amend. of “Regulations on CLASS. and Labeling of Chem.(JUN.20, 2023))

  • 운영자
  • Jun 20, 2023
  • Hit 212
 [NIER Notice No. 2023-301] Admin. Notice for Partial Amend. of “Regulations on Classification and Labeling of Chemicals”

NIER Notice No.2023-301
In accordance with the “Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances”, in announcing the “Regulations On Classification and Labeling of Chemicals”, the following is publicly announced in accordance with Article 46 of the Administrative Procedures Act in order to inform the public of its major points and receive opinions on it.
June 20, 2023
Director of the National Institute of Environmental Research

Administrative Notice of Partial Amendment for「Regulations On Classification And labeling Of Chemicals」

○ Reasons for Amendment
In accordance with the results of the hazard assessment under the 「Regulations On Classification And labeling Of Chemicals」, a classification and labeling notice will be issued for newly designated toxic substances, and the classification and labeling notice for existing hazardous chemicals that have completed hazard assessment through change of registration, etc. will be revised.

○ Major Changes in Administrative Notice
A. A new hazard classification and labeling will be added for newly designated toxic substances, based on the results of the hazard review of registered chemical substances
- The necessary information for the hazard classification and labeling of three substances, including "Cobalt manganese nickel oxide", will be announced
- ID numbers “2023-1-1116”through “2023-1-1118” will be added
B. Revision of the classification and labeling of existing hazardous chemicals that have changed in hazard due to additional data
- The classification and labeling of five toxic substances in category A (ID numbers “97-1-24”, “97-1-106”, “97-1-171”, “97-1-205”, and “97-1-547”) are added or revised
- ID number “06-5-14” is newly added to Category C Restricted Substance
Source: Online Gazette LINK
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